From their inception into the landscape industry, Wicklow and Laurano have sought to build and develop a masonry division unlike that of any other firm. Today they are leaders in the industry for their ability to construct structures of all sizes, styles, and intricacies. By hiring only the most skilled and qualified craftsmen from all over the world, they have been able to bring “old-world” craftsmanship and pride to each and every project. European or traditional, contemporary or classic, Wicklow and Laurano possess the manpower, knowledge, and equipment to complete any masonry project.
Understanding that there is more to being a successful mason contractor than just building walls and staircases, Wicklow and Laurano have begun specializing in fireplace construction, brick and stone veneer as well as concrete block foundations and poured concrete floors. Their target market not only includes high-end landscape projects but large scale residential and commercial construction projects. This division has experienced the most rapid growth of any other division within the firm, undoubtedly due to their abilities and high level of standards. No other landscape firm employs the number of skilled masons on a full-time basis as Wicklow and Laurano.